Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX | Sleep Apnea Surgery | Dr. Jose Barrera (2024)

Is your partner’s snoring keeping you awake? Do you wake up feeling exhausted and irritable, even after a full night’s sleep? The solution to your problem could be a sleep apnea treatment with Dr. Jose Barrera. With proper treatment, patients can significantly reduce the symptoms of this condition, for a safer, more comfortable sleep experience.

Dr. Barrera, a triple board-certified and fellowship trained surgeon, is also a fellowship director in Sleep Surgery and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a recognized International leader in the field of Sleep Medicine and Surgery.

Dr. Barrera uses the latest treatment methods and surgical techniques to bring patients relief, often enabling sleep apnea treatment without CPAP.

If you’ve tried a CPAP machine and haven’t tolerated it well, or if you are seeking CPAP alternatives, come see us. Dr. Barrera is an expert in sleep apnea and has brought nighttime relief to countless men and women throughout Texas.

Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX | Sleep Apnea Surgery | Dr. Jose Barrera (1)

Endormir Sleep and Sinus Institute helps those coming from outside San Antonio and is recognized as a leading practice in Sleep Surgery in Texas.

Sleep apnea can be a complex issue, and solutions often vary from patient to patient. If you have questions about the right sleep apnea treatment options, don’t hesitate to call Endormir Sleep and Sinus Institute at 210-468-5426 in San Antonio, Texas. You can also reach out to us or to schedule a consultation via our online form.

You may read about the latest publications that Dr. Barrera has authored here. Dr. Barrera has been a featured authored on Sleep Apnea and Skeletal surgery in these three textbooks.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

The word “apnea” is Greek, meaning “without breath.”

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes breathing to stop and start periodically throughout the night.

Patients with this condition are literally without breath at certain times during sleep. These breathing disturbances can happen many times each night and can last anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute or longer. Many patients will experience hundreds of instances of breathing cessation nightly. Most patients with this sleep disorder do not realize an apnea or pause in breathing is occurring. Other patients experience hypopnea or a drop in airflow causing an arousal or a drop in oxygenation. Both apneas and hypopneas can be dangerous if left untreated. The total apneas and hypopneas per hour is used as an index or apnea hypopnea index (AHI) to determine whether a patient is mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea can be a serious problem. It causes severe sleep disturbances for many patients, preventing them from reaching the deeper stages of sleep sufficiently. It can lower oxygen levels in the blood, depriving the brain and other organs of life-sustaining oxygen. Constant waking and restless sleep increase the body’s stress response, raising blood pressure and heart rate. Since patients don’t sleep well with sleep apnea, some fall asleep while driving and get into automobile accidents. Others find that they struggle at work, putting their careers, and sometimes their lives, in jeopardy.

There are three different types of sleep apnea. The most common type we see at Endormir Sleep and Sinus Institute is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This sleep disorder occurs when the muscles in the throat relax and block the airway during sleep.

You may be surprised to learn:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea is very common. Research indicates that approximately 24% of men and 9% of women have this syndrome.
  • Many patients with this condition do not realize they have it. As many as 93% of females and 82% of males with moderate to severe OSA are undiagnosed.
  • This condition can occur at any age, even childhood.
  • The effects of sleep apnea are serious. It has proven negative impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as cognitive function. OSA is associated with hypertension, heart failure, stroke, motor vehicle accidents, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, arrhythmia, diabetes, and obesity.

Ready to reset your body to achieve your optimal health? Come see Dr. Barrera, a board certified sleep medicine expert. He can help you determine if you are affected by this condition. If you do have OSA, he will work with you to find sleep apnea treatment options so you can improve your health and finally get a good night’s sleep.

Do I Need Sleep Apnea Treatment in San Antonio, TX?

Before we can take steps toward finding sleep apnea solutions, first we must find the problem. We’ll start your treatment with a detailed patient evaluation. During your evaluation, we’ll discuss:

  • Complete health and medical history
  • Quality of life issues including daytime sleepiness, snoring, insomnia, unusual movement, sexual dysfunction, morning headache, memory problems, and depression
  • Sleep study, if needed
  • Airway evaluation using laryngoscopy and nasal endoscopy in the clinic.

Dr. Barrera uses extensive medical and reported data to customize your sleep apnea treatment. Visit us at our South-Central Texas center for a consultation if you believe you may suffer from OSA.

Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX | Sleep Apnea Surgery | Dr. Jose Barrera (2)

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Sites of Obstruction

What Causes Snoring?

Loud snoring is very often associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Dr. Barreramay recommend a sleep study to rule out this condition. If you do have OSA, we can explore sleep apnea treatments. If you do not have OSA, but do snore, snoring treatments can provide relief. Treatments for snoring include:

  • Radio-frequency to the palate, tongue, or nasal turbinates
  • Palate operation
  • Pillar procedure
  • Functional septorhinoplasty

There are patients with airway narrowing which present with nasal obstruction due to a deviated septum, turbinate hypertrophy, or nasal valve insufficiency which have snoring and upper airway resistance syndrome. These patients may also have palate and tongue base enlargement causing narrowing of the upper airway. Although the sleep study may not overtly show an elevated apnea hypopnea index, patients with UARS have increased respiratory event related arousals. An thorough airway evaluation is necessary to rule out airway obstruction. UARS patients often present with snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, and an elevated respiratory disturbance index or RDI.

Snoring is very common, affecting approximately 45% of all adults occasionally, 25% regularly. If you snore, call us for a consultation at 210-468-5426.

Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX- What Sleep Apnea Surgery Options Do We Offer at Endormir Sleep and Sinus Institute and Endormir Surgical?

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition takes a heavy toll on health, well-being, and quality of life. The good news is that OSA usually treatable. Our sleep apnea surgery success rate is very high, and our patients are delighted by the significant improvements they experience after treatment. Link video of obstructive sleep apnea here (found in videos file)

Options for sleep apnea surgery include:

A floppy, elongated or thick soft palate and uvula can be responsible for the noise heard when snoring or the obstruction occurring during OSA. Palate surgery or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty uses different techniques to remove or reposition redundant tissues in the palate to open the airway. Palate surgery is usually very effective for treating snoring and OSA caused by a floppy soft palate.

Radiofrequency is a form of energy that is delivered to tissues to cause stiffening and volume reduction. Radiofrequency can be used to shrink the nasal turbinates, tighten the soft palate, or shrink the tongue base. This treatment is used on patients with snoring, nasal obstruction, and/or as a complementary procedure to other OSA treatments.

The genioglossus muscle is the primary muscle holding the tongue in position. It attaches to the internal aspect of the lower jaw. Genioglossus muscle advancement or GTA (geniotubercle advancement) places tension on the base of the tongue to open the airway. This can improve OSA and snoring.

Obstruction in the area behind the tongue plays an important role in OSA. This region is known as the hypopharynx. We achieve good outcomes by surgically targeting this area. Surgical procedures can be designed to make the tongue firmer and less collapsible during sleep or can remove tongue tissue such as the lingual tonsils.

Patients with a large tongue may benefit from a midline glossectomy, a procedure that removes a portion of the tongue. We perform this midline glossectomy on both adult and pediatric sleep apnea patients.

The hyoid is a U-shaped bone that lies just above the voice box. The hyoid is attached to the voice box and the tongue by muscular attachments. Hyoid suspension brings the hyoid forward. Advancing the hyoid will generally allow opening of the posterior airway space. This treatment can be used as a primary treatment, but usually complements other procedures.

MMA is performed to widen the entire upper airway space and minimize pharyngeal wall collapse. Of all the OSA treatments we offer, MMA has the highest sleep apnea surgery success rate with over 90% success in improving the apnea hypopnea index and resolving excessive daytime sleepiness. Maxillomandibular advancement is can also be performed to correct a malocclusion. We work with a team of orthodontists to achieve both skeletal and dental improvement in the airway and occlusion or bite.

Dental Relationship Before Dental Relationship After

Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX | Sleep Apnea Surgery | Dr. Jose Barrera (3)

Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX | Sleep Apnea Surgery | Dr. Jose Barrera (4)

Distraction osteogenesis with maxillary expansion (DOME) is a new surgical technique used in conjunction with orthodonticmanagement to improve nasal breathing and help correct a transverse maxillary deficiency in patients with a narrowed jaw. DOME is best used for adult and pediatric patients with OSA. DOME is coupled with a maxillary expander. TheDOME procedure opens up the nasal floor and improves breathing. Patients with a malocclusion, high arched palate and no evidence of soft tissue redundancy in the soft palate can benefit from this operation. DOME is performed at TexasCenter for Facial Plastic and Laser Surgery under general anesthesia. Maxillary expanders are secured at the same time as the DOME procedure.

The Inspire® Implant, or a hypoglossal nerve stimulator, is inserted into the body to detect chest wall movement, artificially stimulating and contracting the genioglossus muscle. Inspire treats sleep apnea’s root cause, allowing for better sleep and no snoring. This will enable patients to breathe normally, and more importantly, sleep without a hose, mask, or machine. The FDA-approved sleep apnea device is quiet and can be turned on with a small remote.

Sleep Apnea FAQ’s

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a spectrum of syndromes comprised by snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a syndrome not a disease and the specific etiology is unknown. However, it is largely secondary to anatomic upper airway narrowing during sleep and a yet unidentified central nervous system (CNS) component. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome consists of periods of apneas (cessation of airflow at the nose or mouth for > 10 seconds) and hypopneas (reduced respiration with desaturation terminated by arousal). In general, OSA can be defined by the number of apneas and hypopneas per hour or apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). Mild OSA is defined as an AHI > 5 and < 15 but with symptoms of sleepiness. Moderate OSA is an AHI > 15, < 30 and severe OSA is an AHI > 30.

Common symptoms presenting as complaints from sleep apnea are snoring, pauses in breathing, morning headaches and nausea that result from the hypercarbia (retained CO2) which develops with hypoventilatory episodes. Depression, personality changes, and intellectual deterioration may also develop.

Almost all patients or their bed partners give a chronic history of heavy, loud snoring. The snoring is produced from the passage of air through the oropharynx causing vibrations of the soft palate. Typically the snoring is interrupted by periodic apneic episodes that may last 30 to 90 seconds. A loud snort followed by a hyperventilation usually signals an end to the apneic episode.

An in-lab sleep study or polysomnography takes as long as 8 hours of recording sleep. Although, 4 hours is generally thought to be enough data for interpretation. A home sleep test can be performed in the comfort of your bed using our low profile HST device.

The profound effects of sleep apnea upon the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and neuro-cognitive function have been documented. The Sleep Heart Health Study and the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort3,4 have demonstrated a strong association between SDB and hypertension. Patients with an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) > 15 have a 2.89 fold greater chance of developing hypertension.5 In patients with an AHI > 11, 2.38 relative risk for congestive heart failure and a 1.58 risk for cerebrovascular disease exists.

Patients with OSA most often complain of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). The patients may experience serious social, economic, and emotional problems from the EDS associated with this syndrome. The uncontrollable desire to sleep may predispose the patients to safety sensitive occupational or automobile accidents.

There are several medical treatment options for OSA including weight loss, improved sleep hygiene, oral appliance and CPAP/BiPAP. The two most applied treatment modalities will be reviewed, weight loss and CPAP.

Weight loss decreases comorbid risks and is beneficial in combination with other treatment modalities. In a longitudinal study of moderate weight gain, Pepperd et al found that a 10% weight gain predicted a 32% increase in AHI while a 10% weight loss predicted a 26% decrease in AHI. Stategies for weight loss include combined dietary, exercise, and behavior therapy.

CPAP, a non-invasive methodology, is currently the mainstay of medical management of OSAS. CPAP has been showned to improve ambulatory blood pressure and has reduced the cardiovascular risk in men with OSA with an AHI >30. In addition, CPAP appears to be protective. CPAP has been shown to improve measures of SDB including apnea, AHI, RDI. It has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of automobile accidents. CPAP is covered by Medicare if AHI >15 or AHI > 5 with EDS, impaired cognition, hypertension, or history of ischemic heart disease or stroke. If tolerated, CPAP or BiPAP offers the best form of treatment, but doesn’t offer a chance for cure. In addition, one night off CPAP reverses all the gains derived from sleeping with the device12.

A contemporary two-phase surgical approach for OSAS treatment has been developed to limit over operating and to decrease risks of surgery. It is important to note that if this phased protocol is used the patient and referring physician must understand that both phases may be necessary. The protocol was not intended to be a single phase protocol. A polysomnogram is necessary after phase one (4-6 months). If the patient is controlled no further treatment is needed. If incompletely treated then phase two is appropriate.

The first phase is the most conservative approach and addresses palatal and tongue base obstruction without movement of the jaw or teeth. An Inspire hypoglossal stimulator may be considered for treatment of airway obstruction. It should be emphasized that improved surgical success is dependent upon optimizing the soft-tissue.Maxillomandibular advancement and Distraction Osteogenesis with Maxillary Expansion (DOME) are performed to improve severe obstructive sleep apnea as well as expand the nasal airway.

Combined advancement of the maxilla and mandible is the most recent and efficacious surgical procedure for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. The surgical technique includes a standard Le Fort I osteotomy in combination with a mandibular sagittal split osteotomy. A concomitant GA as previously described, is an adjunct and recommended to improve tongue advancement. MMA surgery may result in some facial change, which is most often favorable.

A DOME procedure may be performed in coordination with your Orthodontist to expand the upper jaw, correct dental occlusion problems, and improve nasal airflow.

Call to Schedule Your Sleep Apnea Surgery with Dr. Barrera Today

If you snore and feel constantly tired, find the help to put your life on a new, more energized path, possibly even without CPAP. Call 210-468-5426 with your questions. Dr. Barrera at the Endormir Sleep and Sinus Institute offers sleep apnea solutions for both children and adults in San Antonio, Texas.

Sleep Apnea FAQsWhat to Ask During Your Facelift Consultation

Deep sleep is considered slow-wave (delta wave) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Slow-wave sleep is a stage of non-REM sleep where learning and memory are being processed. REM sleep is a phase of sleep where the body is paralyzed except for breathing and eye muscles. This is typically the phase of sleep when dreams are most active.

Yes, when a patient with untreated obstructive sleep apnea has a respiratory event during sleep whereby their upper airway partially collapses (hypopnea) or completely collapses (apnea), the brain can respond to the fall in oxygen or rise in carbon dioxide with a microarousal. This is detected during a sleep study by monitoring the brain waves. A microarousal doesn’t necessarily mean that the patient becomes fully conscious or awake. Microarousals can shift the patient’s stage of sleep from deep sleep (REM sleep and slow-wave sleep) to a lighter stage of sleep. Over the course of one night of sleep, a patient with untreated sleep apnea can have numerous microarousals which prevent the patient from staying in a sustained phase of deep sleep. If left untreated, a patient may experience the equivalent of chronic partial sleep deprivation.

During a sleep study, the total number of hypopneas (defined as partial flow limitation or collapse) and apneas (total flow limitation or collapse) are divided by the number of hours of total sleep time. The AHI is reported in the number of events per hour. For adults, normal is 0-4 events/hour. Mild OSA is defined as 5-14 events/hour. Moderate OSA is 15-29 events/hour, and severe is 30 events/hour and above.

There may be one or several options for treating sleep apnea. Positive airway pressure is the gold-standard therapy for sleep apnea. This is a non-invasive therapy that overcomes the upper airway collapsibility and obstruction with positive air pressure. Mandibular repositioning devices or oral appliances are another treatment option for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. This device is worn at night and helps keep the airway open by pushing the lower jaw forward.

Patients who have tried PAP therapy and/or oral appliances but cannot tolerate these non-surgical treatments may benefit from sleep apnea surgery. Sleep apnea surgery focuses on anatomic targets of upper airway narrowing or collapsibility. Common targets include a deviated nasal septum, an elongated soft palate, enlarged tonsils and/or a bulky base of tongue. Sleep surgery may require several staged procedures to achieve success. Additional surgical procedures for sleep apnea include jaw advancement surgery and Inspire therapy. A few patients may benefit from positional therapy (sleeping on their side) if their sleep apnea is mild, and their sleep study demonstrates that their sleep apnea resolves when on their side. Last but not least, some patients’ sleep apnea is correlated with being overweight.

In addition to devices or surgery to treat sleep apnea, the upper airway patency should be optimized.

Patients should avoid smoking which causes swelling in the upper airway, and maximize the management of allergies, sinus disease, and polyps.

Sleep Apnea Treatment, San Antonio, TX | Sleep Apnea Surgery | Dr. Jose Barrera (2024)


Can sleep apnea be fixed surgically? ›

Surgical procedures can restore air flow to make breathing easier. After sleep apnea surgery, many people snore less and sleep better throughout the night, causing them to wake up feeling more rested.

What is the new surgery for sleep apnea? ›

Inspire surgery, or upper airway stimulation, involves a small implantable pacemaker-like device which stabilizes the throat while sleeping by providing gentle stimulation to throat muscles and allowing the airway to remain open during sleep.

What is the permanent solution for sleep apnea? ›

Is There a Cure for Sleep Apnea? While there is no cure for sleep apnea, studies show that certain lifestyle factors can reverse or make your sleep apnea less intense. Other treatment or surgical options can also reverse the condition. Sleep apnea happens when your upper airway muscles relax while you sleep.

How long does sleep apnea surgery last? ›

Surgery may take up to two hours, depending on which structures your healthcare provider removes or restructures. Timing also depends on whether you'll need additional procedures to address other structural issues contributing to your sleep apnea.

What is the most successful surgery for sleep apnea? ›

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is the most common surgery for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Surgeons remove excess tissue behind the tongue, shorten the soft palate and remove the uvula.

Does insurance cover sleep apnea surgery? ›

Yes, insurance plans typically cover sleep apnea surgery, but your recommended procedure may only qualify under certain circ*mstances. And you could still have significant out-of-pocket expenses for your share of the bills. Check with your health plan to determine what is covered.

How painful is sleep apnea surgery? ›

It aims to increase the space required for obstruction-free breathing in OSA. You may have stitches in the back of your throat. This part is sensitive; therefore, the surgery may result in relatively more pain after you recover from the anesthesia. You will experience pain while eating and talking.

What is life expectancy with sleep apnea? ›

Research has indicated that untreated sleep apnea can shorten a person's life expectancy by several years, and according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, untreated sleep apnea increases your risk of death by 17% through the short-term and long-term health issues associated with untreated sleep apnea.

Who is a candidate for sleep apnea surgery? ›

You have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea on a sleep study. You have NOT been able to tolerate positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP or BiPAP) after a trial at home. You complete office evaluation by a surgeon who performs surgery for sleep apnea to discuss whether it would be helpful.

What is the most advanced treatment for sleep apnea? ›

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).

With CPAP (SEE-pap), the air pressure is somewhat greater than that of the surrounding air and is just enough to keep your upper airway passages open, preventing apnea and snoring.

Is there a pill to stop sleep apnea? ›

Apnimed is a company that's developed a new oral drug for sleep apnea – currently called AD109. AD109 combines the drugs aroxybutynin and atomoxetine.

What is the new remedy for sleep apnea? ›

Inspire therapy is a mask-free solution for people with obstructive sleep apnea who have tried and struggled with CPAP. Through a simple-to-use system including the Inspire implant, remote and app, Inspire therapy enables you to control your OSA treatment from the palm of your hand.

What are the downsides of sleep apnea surgery? ›

UPPP has the following risks: The surgery may stop your snoring, but you may still have apnea. You may still need CPAP after surgery. Other problems may include pain, infection, speech problems, and a narrowing of the airway in the nose and throat.

Who is the best sleep apnea surgeon in the world? ›

Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH is one of the world's leaders in the surgical evaluation and treatment of adults with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

Is sleep apnea a disability? ›

The Social Security Administration (SSA) no longer has a disability listing for sleep apnea, but it does have listings for breathing disorders, heart problems, and mental deficits. If you meet the criteria of one of the listings due to your sleep apnea, you would automatically qualify for disability benefits.

Is surgery better than CPAP? ›

Surgery is not always necessary

The continuous airflow from the CPAP machines keeps the airway open, allowing for better breathing and more restful sleep. Surgery is only needed if there is a physical obstruction like a deviated septum preventing the individual from breathing normally.

What are the pros and cons of sleep apnea surgery? ›

Pros: Surgery is generally safe and effective in treating sleep apnea, and it may provide a long-term solution for some patients. Cons: Surgery can be invasive and expensive, and there is always a risk of complications. Additionally, the success rate varies depending on the type of surgery.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.