Rising Sign: What Is It, and What Does It Mean? (2024)


By Aliza Kelly, astrologer and Cut contributor. With over ten years of experience working in astrology, she has written four books about astrology and mysticism; her most recent is titled, There Are No Coincidences: A Manifestation Deck & Guidebook. She publishes the weekly Substack, The Practice, and is a recurring guest on The Drew Barrymore Show.

Believe it or not, we’re not just a single zodiac sign; we’re the entire sky. At the exact moment you were born, every planet, celestial body, and galactic coordinate occupied a zodiac sign — and each has a specific astrological significance. Let’s dive into one of the most popular, and most misunderstood, placements: the rising sign, otherwise known as your ascendant.

First, what actually is the Rising Sign?

That second you took your first breath, all the planets were arranged in a unique configuration. The snapshot of the sky at your exact moment of birth is referred to as your “birth chart” (or “natal chart”) and is calculated based on your precise date, time, and location of arrival. Astrologers believe that birth charts can provide powerful insight on an individual’s personality, identity, and motivation, along with opportunities, timing, and even the recurring themes experienced throughout a lifetime.

Perhaps I’m a bit (a lot) biased, but I find birth charts to be absolutely extraordinary; they consolidate dozens upon dozens of data points, ultimately depicting the sky as a neat and orderly circle punctuated by various shapes and symbols (representing the planets and celestial bodies). While the location of the planets will vary from person to person, the architecture of the birth chart — that is, a perfect 360-degree circle — is always the same. And that steady shape is dictated by none other than the rising sign.

The rising sign refers to the zodiac sign that was rising (or ascending, hence why it’s also referred to as the “ascendant”) in the eastern horizon when you were born.

And what does a rising sign symbolize in astrology?

The rising sign reveals your perception of reality. Although it is often erroneously referred to as the “mask you wear in public,” the rising sign is much more personal than your external, front-facing persona. Your rising sign represents the microcosm of your entire life experience, including the themes, cycles, and patterns that will show up in your life over and over again. It functions as the instruction manual for your reality, thus informing not just the way others see you but also the way you perceive others. Trippy? Welcome to the world of astrology, baby!

What’s more, your rising sign also establishes your “chart ruler” — basically, the planet that calls the shots on your entire life. This planet is instrumental in shaping your lived experience, your long-term life trajectory, and how you relate to the world around you. Discovering your chart ruler is a powerful and eye-opening experience: It gives you powerful insight into the narrative that defines your reality. Likewise, understanding your ascendant is key to understanding your truth. It sets the tone of your life and illuminates your reality.

How do you calculate your rising sign?

Although the stars overhead may appear static to the naked eye, things up there actually move extremely rapidly. Likewise, the rising sign is an extremely sensitive placement: The ascendant changes zodiac signs every two hours, so in order to calculate your rising sign, you need to know your exact (not approximate) time of birth.

So, first, you’ll need to verify your to-the-minute time of arrival. Parents can be an excellent source, along with your birth certificate. If neither is available, however, you may consider calling the hospital to access your birth records (don’t worry, the hospital clerk won’t judge you). Once you obtain that precious piece of data, head over to your preferred astrology website or app (my recommendation is TimePassages, which has actually been around since the ’80s) to pull up your birth chart and discover your rising sign. Astro.com is also a terrific free resource for generating birth charts— or you can always use this rising-sign calculator to go straight for the source.

And what does each rising sign mean?

All right, all right, all right. Now that you know how to find your rising sign, what it represents, and why it’s so extremely important, let’s explore how each of the 12 ascendants expresses its truth.

Aries Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Mars

Those with an Aries ascendant see the world as a competitive, exciting, and spirited place. Winning isn’t just an aspiration; it’s a necessity for Aries risings, who believe that their destiny demands a victorious path. As the first sign of the zodiac, the energy surrounding Aries is that of a pioneer, bursting with initiative, momentum, and a captivating charm that can rally others to their cause. Governed by Mars, the planet of action and raw energy, Aries risings feel most alive when they are pushing boundaries and pursuing ambitious goals. Their natural inclination toward excitement and their sometimes reckless nature (often lacking impulse control) can lead them into challenging situations, but for Aries risings, at the end of the day, that’s what it takes to live the fast life. While their intensity can sometimes come off as brash or overwhelming, it’s also what makes them natural leaders, always ready to charge ahead into new ventures. This sign thrives under pressure and is quick to recover from setbacks, always ready for the next challenge, embodying the true spirit of resilience and courage.

Taurus Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Venus

Taurus risings value lasting stability. Those born under a Taurus ascendant seek to build lives they can trust, and they prioritize security, comfort, and long-term investments. Taurus, the first earth sign of the zodiac, appreciates physical, tactile experiences, so people with a Taurus ascendant tend to enjoy working with their hands. This connection to the material world fosters a deep appreciation for nature and the finer things in life, driving them to create an environment that is both soothing and aesthetically pleasing. Venus — the planet of love and beauty — is the chart ruler for a Taurus rising, which means romance, sensuality, pleasure, stability, and longevity are extremely important for those born under this sign. The influence of Venus also endows Taurus risings with a love for art, luxury, and all forms of beauty, making them excellent connoisseurs of art and culture. Taurus ascendants can be a bit stubborn and averse to change, so learning to trust the process is crucial. Their resistance stems from a deep need for predictability and reliability, which, when managed, allows them to be incredibly dedicated and reliable. This steadfast nature often makes them pillars within their communities, embodying the role of a dependable — if sometimes inflexible — anchor.

Gemini Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Mercury

Gemini risings are driven by curiosity, play, and social connection. The notorious air sign known for its intrinsic duality, Gemini risings are inspired by … well, everything. Folks with a Gemini ascendant see the world as an exciting place, filled with interesting people to meet and fascinating subjects to learn. They thrive on variety and are often seen juggling multiple hobbies, interests, and friend groups simultaneously, embodying the true essence of a social butterfly. Mercury — the planet of communication and information — is the chart ruler for those with a Gemini ascendant; hungry for conversation and tidbits of wisdom, communication plays a critical role in every Gemini rising’s experience. Their adeptness at language and innate ability to connect disparate ideas and facts make them excellent storytellers and communicators. Although Gemini ascendants can be a bit flighty and have a tendency to gossip, this placement thrives on novelty, making fun an actual core value for Gemini rising. This constant search for stimulation can sometimes lead to a scattering of energies, but it’s also what makes life with a Gemini rising full of surprises (that, and lots of great party invitations!). Their adaptability and lively mind make them eternally youthful and engaging companions.

Cancer Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: The Moon

Cancer, symbolized by the crab with its hard exterior shell, needs to feel safe and supported in order to let down its guard. Likewise, those born with a Cancer rising often experience themes of trust, loyalty, security, and support throughout their life. These individuals create environments that foster emotional connections and are quick to offer a shoulder to cry on, making their homes a sanctuary for themselves and their loved ones. Sensitive, nurturing, and extremely loyal, Cancer risings often assume parental roles within their social life. The moon is the Cancer ascendant’s chart ruler. And just as the moon is constantly oscillating through its 28-day wax-and-wane cycle, those with Cancer risings may cycle through emotions rapidly, reflecting the shifting tides of their inner emotional landscapes. This can get exhausting, so learning to honor the ebb and flow of sensitivities is critical for Cancer ascendants. Their profound empathy allows them to connect deeply with others, but it also requires them to set boundaries to protect their own emotional well-being. By embracing their emotional nature and learning to navigate its complexities, Cancer Risings can find profound strength and resilience in their capacity to love.

Leo Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: The Sun

Leo risings experience life as high-drama theatrics, regularly seeking out larger-than-life experiences. Bold, brave, warm, and courageous, Leo risings are drawn to the spotlight — and not without good reason. Their magnetic presence and vibrant charisma make them natural leaders, often inspiring others just by simply being themselves. The chart ruler for a Leo ascendant is the sun, the bright star at the center of our solar system. Just as the sun radiates warmth and energy, so do Leo risings emit confidence and vitality, affecting everyone around them. Likewise, it’s extremely important that Leo ascendants be seen, appreciated, and recognized for their talents and accomplishments. However, it’s important for Leo ascendants to remember they’re not the only stars in the galaxy: By tapping into their innate generosity, Leo risings can learn to share the stage.

Virgo Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Mercury

Virgo risings experience reality through systems, structure, and productivity. Virgo, an earth sign, is inspired by all that is practical, grounded, and rooted in reality. Their analytical nature drives them to seek efficiency in every aspect of life, from work to personal health, making them excellent at devising solutions to complex problems. Likewise, Virgo ascendants enjoy cultivating routines and habits that improve their day-to-day experiences. They find comfort and security in the predictable, which helps them manage their inherent desire for order and routine. With Mercury — the planet of communication and expression — as the chart ruler for Virgo risings, this placement is always collecting, processing, and sharing information. Dialogue is very important for this placement, so Virgo risings deeply value relationships that enable easy and open conversation. They are often the ones others turn to for advice, thanks to their practical and logical nature. Although Virgo ascendants are often prone to perfectionism, the best antidote to this criticality is developing strong compassion for self and others.

Libra Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Venus

Those born with a Libra ascendant value balance, harmony, and diplomacy. Inherently social, Libra risings are happiest when partnered, and may often assume the role as mediator on an interpersonal level. They thrive in environments that foster cooperation and fairness, and they are adept at creating a sense of unity among diverse groups. Venus — the planet of love, beauty, and values — is the chart ruler for those with Libra rising, which emphasize this placement’s strong aesthetic sensibilities, appreciation for romance, and their emphasis on peace and tranquility. This Venusian influence makes them gracious hosts and delightful company, always ensuring that their surroundings are pleasant and welcoming. Because Libra risings are so deeply committed to maintaining decorum, this placement can struggle with indecision for fear of upsetting others, so it’s important for Libra ascendants to remember that sometimes the right decision is, in fact, the hard one.

Scorpio Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Pluto

Those born with a Scorpio ascendant see themselves as natural-born detectives — and perhaps they’re not wrong. Scorpio risings use their emotional sensitivities to get to the root of every situation in order to excavate the truth, deeply linking complex nuance with powerful intuitive abilities. Their penetrating gaze and intense focus allow them to observe details that others might overlook, giving them a unique perspective on the world and the people around them. Pluto, the distant celestial body associated with deep and powerful transformation, is the chart ruler for Scorpio ascendants, making metamorphosis a recurring theme in their life. This transformative power enables Scorpio risings to undergo significant personal evolution, as well as influence external change. Although individuals with this placement can often be hard to read (they are, after all, harboring countless secrets), once a Scorpio rising builds trust, they prove to be deeply loyal friends and lovers.

Sagittarius Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Jupiter

The life of a Sagittarius rising is defined by adventure. The final fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius’s energy is dynamic, spirited, and vigorous. These individuals are often seen as the life of the party, their infectious enthusiasm drawing others to them. Sagittarius risings are most fulfilled when connecting with interesting people, pursuing new experiences, and deep-diving into bizarre esoteric topics with like-minded friends. Their innate curiosity drives them to travel, whether physically or intellectually, exploring diverse cultures, philosophies, and spiritual pursuits. Jupiter — the planet of luck and expansion — is the chart ruler for Sagittarius rising, emphasizing this placement’s intrinsic optimism. Their positive outlook often inspires others, making them excellent motivators and teachers. While Sagittarius ascendants have a tendency to “truth bomb” and end up with their foot in their mouth, this sign is guaranteed to tell you exactly how it is … and then maybe a little more. But through this bluntness, Sagittarius rising is celebrated for its honesty, earnest, and quick wit, making these Jupiterian individuals trustworthy — and downright hilarious — friends.

Capricorn Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Saturn

Capricorn is the last earth sign of the zodiac and is known for its stern, stoic, and hardworking attitude. When this sign illuminates your perspective on reality, you see your life — and everything in it — as a physical manifestation of perseverance. Individuals with a Capricorn ascendant are the embodiment of discipline and self-control, often setting high standards for themselves and methodically working toward their goals. They’re governed by Saturn, the planet associated with commitment and responsibilities, and they move through each and every day with a deep awareness of their relentless fortitude. This planetary influence also instills a respect for tradition and a strong sense of duty, which drives Capricorn risings to build a legacy of substance and importance. Folks with this placement often feel that they have the weight of the world on their shoulders, which ultimately leads to their cold and hard-edged reputation. However, beneath this exterior lies a wild child — to blow off some of that intense steam, every Capricorn rising has been known to dance on the table from time to time. By allowing themselves occasional play and warmth, they can foster deeper connections and show that their resilience is matched by their capacity to relish the rare and beautiful gift of being alive.

Aquarius Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Uranus

As the most innovative, progressive, and humanitarian sign of the zodiac, Aquarians are determined to make positive, lasting change on a large scale. For Aquarius ascendant, their life trajectory is fueled by issues relating to collective ideals, so those born with this placement are determined to address injustices. They often find themselves at the forefront of social movements or involved in projects that aim to improve the collective well-being. Aquarians’ ability to think critically and creatively about societal issues makes them natural revolutionaries. The chart ruler for Aquarius rising is Uranus — the distant gas giant associated with innovation and rebellion — emphasizing this placement’s unconventional spirit. Because Aquarius risings are thinking on a global level, this placement isn’t a huge fan of small talk, which is why they can come off as a bit cold or aloof. However, their apparent detachment is often a reflection of their focus on bigger, more abstract ideas. They’re trying to save the world, okay?

Pisces Rising Sign

Chart Ruler: Neptune

Pisces risings experience life through vibes. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces has absorbed the wisdom, empathy, and experiences of the 11 preceding signs, which means this placement is embedded with emotions, memories, and information that define Pisces’ signature psychic abilities. This deep reservoir of insight allows them to navigate life through intuition, often understanding others’ feelings and motives without needing explicit communication. The chart ruler for Pisces ascendant is Neptune, the distant planet associated with dreams, illusion, fantasy, and the subconscious realm. This celestial influence heightens their sensitivity to their surroundings, blurring the lines between reality and the metaphysical and imbuing them with an imaginative and artistic nature. In fact, because Pisces ascendants are so connected to energy — the intangible astral realm — it’s not always easy for this placement to connect with the world through linear thoughts and ideas: Music, art, and poetry define this ethereal rising sign. These mediums allow Pisces risings to express their deep emotions and connect with others on a soul level. When in doubt, this placement should embrace their creative sensibilities, finding solace and expression in the arts, which can be both a refuge and a means of communication.

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Rising Sign: What Is It, and What Does It Mean?
Rising Sign: What Is It, and What Does It Mean? (2024)


Rising Sign: What Is It, and What Does It Mean? ›

The sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth is considered your rising or ascendant. It speaks to the image you project out into the world — some say the mask you wear — and it offers insight into your skills, talents, and strategies you might adopt to make your way in life.

What does the rising sign tell you? ›

The ascendent is the energy that we put out into the world, or the vibe that people pick up and notice about us off the bat. Rising signs also represent the way we carry ourselves, process information and connect with others.

Why is the rising sign so important? ›

When it comes to your rising sign, it's often referred to the "first impressions" facade you project before some get to know you. In a deeper sense, your rising sign determines how you'd like to be perceived, your expression of energy, and how others perceive you.

What is the difference between rising sign and zodiac sign? ›

In general, the sun sign (your main zodiac sign) is your archetype, while the moon sign governs your emotional nature and the rising sign is your outward persona—what you put out into the world. Your chart is specific to you—it may be well-balanced or weighted heavily by one zodiac element.

Which rising sign is best? ›

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn ascendants are usually considered calm and stress-resistant individuals.

What does your sun sign mean? ›

Your sun sign is determined by your date of birth and represents your core personality, sense of self, basic preferences, romantic compatibility, and ways in which you move through the world. This astrological placement sheds light on your innate gifts, as well as your hard-to-see blind spots.

How do you know your sun, moon, and rising? ›

In order to calculate your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, you just need three things -- your birth date, time, and location. Once you have those, just enter them into our Sun Moon Rising Calculator and you're good to go!

How to tell someone's rising sign? ›

"Astrologers need the precise time of birth to cast a chart because the position of the horizon changes so quickly," Viera says. "You can locate your rising on a circle chart by finding the line that cuts horizontally through the center and following it to the left. The sign that that line cuts through is your rising."

What are the big three signs in astrology? ›

Taken all together, your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are often called your “Big Three.” Each of these signs plays a v. important role in your birth chart, and each describes a different part of your personality and life story.

What does your moon sign mean? ›

Your lunar sign represents the parts of yourself that you might not express easily — secrets, memories, sense of security, how you connect with people, the things you hold dear, etc. The moon also represents how we heal, so it's vital in moving forward past setbacks.

Which rising sign has beautiful eyes? ›

Q: Which Zodiac has beautiful eyes? A: Beauty is subjective, and the concept of beautiful eyes may vary from person to person. However, general astrological characteristics determine– that Scorpio, Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Sagittarius have beautiful eyes.

Who is Cancer's soulmate? ›

Q1. Who is the perfect soulmate for Cancer? While several zodiac signs feature personalities that play well with the nurturing nature of the Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are undoubtedly the most compatible.

What does your moon sign say about you? ›

The moon sign placement in someone's birth chart will reveal how they process their emotions, how they want to be nurtured, and what brings them comfort. It can also show how your sign deals with stress in these relationships.

Is the rising sign mercury? ›

Your Mercury would be in an astrological sign, for example, Libra. It represents how you think. Your rising sign is whatever astrological sign rules your first house. It could, for example, be in Gemini.

What does your descendant sign mean? ›

Your Descendant sign represents who you are attracted to, who you get along with, and who you are most likely to be in a romantic relationship with. It's the seventh house on your chart, so all you need to do is count seven houses along from your Rising and you'll find it.

What are my big 3? ›

What's your big three? Your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are your big three in astrology. These placements correspond to core features of your personality and life.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.