Glossary of technology: Terms & Definitions from A to Z - Blog Ateliware (2024)

If you have just started to have contact with the universe of technology and digital products, you may find it difficult to understand some words, expressions and concepts used in the sector.

While working with technology, IT terms will be used on a daily basis. This can be difficult for those who are not familiar with it. It is important to understand their meanings so you can, at least, communicate properly with your tech team.

We created this Tech Glossary with the most common technical terms used by technology companies.

Check it out and clear up your questions. If you have any suggestions, feel free to get in touch with us. 😉



Accessibility guarantees that all people, including people with disabilities (PwD) can use spaces, devices and services safely and autonomously. Digital products also fit here and must be created considering visual, hearing, motor and cognitive impairments.


That which offers greater autonomy and efficiency. In the world of technology, it is related to Agile Methodologies, Agile Development, Agile Design and Business Agility.

Agile Design

Agile Design is linked to agile methodologies and is a set of techniques and practices based on the development of small incremental deliveries and their validation by the client, thus enabling a faster route of correction. It involves the experience of the user with a digital product, as well as its interface.

Agile Methodologies

Agile Methodologies are project development methods focused on short development cycles, well-defined deliverables and continuous improvement of each of these stages. Thus, it is also possible to identify errors and correct them much faster and more promptly. Scrum, Lean and Kanban are some examples of Agile Methodologies.


Ajax, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, refers to the set of web development techniques for working with these two types of applications asynchronously. It is used to make web pages more dynamic and interactive.


It is the term used to refer to the use of data and statistics for analysis and decision making.


Angular is an Open Source JavaScript framework, created by Google and used for web and mobile development.


API comes from the acronym “Application Programming Interface” and refers to the set of programming routines, commands, functions, protocols and objects that work as connectors for systems, software and applications.

Approval Environment

Saying that an environment is an approval environment means that it is in the testing and validation phase. In practice it is a copy of the production environment with the purpose of testing the software, access to which is available only to the developers and the customer.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence simulates the human capacity to solve practical problems, simulate situations and find answers. It uses Machine Learning and other algorithmic systems to independently make decisions from digital data.

Atomic Design

Atomic Design is a methodology created to assist in the construction and evolution of digital interfaces from modular systems. It is divided into 5 phases: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates and Page.



Back-end development is about programming and processing the data behind the interface of applications, systems or digital products.

Big data

It refers to the large volume of data, structured or not, that can be used by institutions to generate products, strategies and research.

Area of ​​knowledge that studies how to treat, analyze and obtain information from sets of data that are too large to be analyzed by traditional systems


Boilerplate is the term used to refer to a piece of code that can be added over and over again with little or no change. Generally, this boilerplate code has no function related to the business or the problem you want to solve.

Business Agility

Business Agility is the ability of a business to adapt to market demands. The faster and more efficient it is, the more agile it is.

Business Analytics

Business Analytics is the process of collecting and measuring information and data, to use these analytics to make business decisions.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is the process of defining how data will be collected and monitored to be used in strategic planning later.



Acronym that means “Chief Executive Officer”. It is one of the main leadership positions within companies, responsible for making decisions, managing resources, operations and acting as a central point of communication between the administrative and the operational teams.


CFO is the acronym for “Chief Financial Officer”, a position of director responsible for all financial activities of a company.

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture is a software architecture pattern created by Robert Martin, which favors the implementation of systems with code reusability, cohesion, technology independence and testability.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is the technology that allows you to store and access data “in the cloud”, that is, without the need for local servers. This option saves resources and facilitates access to data, which can be checked anytime, anywhere, without compromising information security.


Co-creating is the act of developing a solution together with colleagues from other teams, customers or even other companies.


Acronym for “Chief Operating Officer”, or “Operations Director”. This professional is responsible for the operational routines of a company.


CRUD is an acronym for 4 basic functions of a system that works with a database: Create, Read, Update and Delete, that is, creating a new record, displaying its information, updating the data and deleting it. These 4 actions are performed whenever we manipulate the database tables of a system, regardless of their complexity. As most software needs to perform CRUD operations to speed up its construction, we can use a development framework, which is a set of ready-to-use components and libraries, such as AdonisJs, CakePHP and Django to automate part of this development.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) code is a mechanism created to change the style and appearance of an online page or document. CSS code can be applied directly to tags or within

Glossary of technology: Terms & Definitions from A to Z - Blog Ateliware (2024)
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